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Juvenile Felony

Sometimes children unintentionally commit serious crimes. These more serious crimes are considered felonies. It is especially important to seek out help from a lawyer immediately after your son or daughter is charged with a juvenile felony to avoid serious consequences.  Serious charges such as weapons possession or assault could lead to “secured placement” of your child, especially if faced without a dedicated attorney at your side.

Examples of juvenile felonies include:

A child is found delinquent if the judge finds them guilty of a crime.  The penalty for juveniles who are found to have committed a felony is to be sent to the Ohio Department of Youth Services. A Serious Youth Offender (SYO) sentence combines a sentence typically given to a juvenile with a sentence that is typically reserved only for adults convicted of a felony.

No matter the charge, it is important that your child has the representation they need to protect their rights. It is possible to combat juvenile felony charges and achieve a favorable outcome. However, this is only possible with an experienced family law attorney like Michael E. Bryant. Michael E. Bryant has more than a decade working with Toledo families as they navigate the confusing and intimidating world of the juvenile justice system. He understands you and your child are stressed and frightened. He can explain and guide you and prepare the appropriate defense for the best possible outcome.