
Can COVID-19 Affect Parental Rights?

March 24, 2021

Child custody agreements can be difficult to navigate in normal times. You hope that your ex is following the terms of the agreement, you hope that you can co-parent effectively, and most importantly, you hope your children feel safe and secure. COVID-19, in many cases, has made these things more difficult to navigate.

Successfully Co-Parenting During a Pandemic

November 17, 2020

For those going through a divorce, co-parenting can already be a challenge, but co-parenting and establishing a custody agreement during a pandemic will take even more care and consideration. Both parents want to spend time with their children, keep them safe and healthy, and ensure that their children are happy and secure. Covid-19 has made […]

Do You Pay Child Support with Joint Custody in Ohio?

September 30, 2020

Years ago, most divorces ended with one parent granted custody who would receive child support, and one parent allowed visitation who would pay the child support. Things have changed, and more family courts understand that both parents should be involved in raising children, even after divorce. Most divorced parents have some degree of joint custody. […]

What is Child Support and What Does it Cover?

December 9, 2019

If two people have a child, and they no longer live together, whether it’s because they are getting a divorce, a legal separation, or they were never together to begin with, then they will need to formulate a child custody agreement. Child support will also be determined based on who gets custody.

When is Child Custody Mediation Necessary?

November 6, 2019

When two parents decide to get a divorce, the most difficult challenge tends to be agreeing upon terms concerning child custody. Even if the divorce is amicable, reaching a child custody agreement is not always easy. Because of this, you may want to consider getting child custody mediation.